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... call for a new perspective on spirituality
God's Divine Love is available for the asking. This is what Jesus taught his disciples and God's Divine Love is available to us today. Prayer to God for this gift leads us to the source of all Love and is the key that we can use to find answers to the questions we may have.
God’s Divine Love changes you. As you pray for it, it will accumulate within your soul and not only heal your inner wounds and bring you profound joy, it will fundamentally change every part of you.
Discover God's Divine Love for yourself. Reading about God's Divine Love is good, but experiencing this Love is much, much better. And all that's needed is prayer!
But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. -- Matthew 6:6
For the next three weeks, say this prayer three times a day as earnestly as you can:
Our Father, in the Celestial Heaven, we recognize You as all Holy, loving and merciful, and we as Your children, are not the subservient, sinful or depraved creatures the teachers of old would have us believe. We are the greatest and most wonderful of all Your creations, and the objects of Your great Soul’s Love and tenderest care.
Your Will is that we become at-one with You, and partake of the great Love bestowed upon us through Your Mercy and desire that we become, in truth, Your children through love, not through the sacrifice and death of any of Your creatures.
We pray that You will open up our souls to the inflowing of Your Love, and then will come the Holy Spirit to bring into our souls Your Divine Love in great abundance, until we are transformed into the very Essence of Yourself. Then will come to us such faith as will cause us to realize that we are truly Your children, and one with You in very Substance, and not in image only.
Give us such faith as will cause us to know that You are our Father, the bestower of every good and perfect gift, and that only we, ourselves, can prevent Your Love changing us from a mortal into an immortal.
Let us never cease to realize that Your Love is waiting for each and all of us, and that when we come to You in faith and earnest aspiration, Your Love will never be withheld from us.
Keep us in the shadow of Your Love every hour and moment of our lives and help us to overcome all the temptations of the flesh, and the influence of the powers of the evil ones, which so constantly surround us and endeavor to turn our thoughts away from You to the pleasures and allurements of this world.
We thank You for Your Love and the privilege of receiving It. We know You are the Loving Father who smiles upon us in our weakness, and is always ready to help us, and take us to Your Arms of Love.
We pray this with all the earnestness and sincere longings of our souls, and trusting in Your Love, give You all the glory, honor and love that our finite souls can give.
Download prayer: English | Deutsche | Español | Français
It is important to ask for the inflowing of God’s Love into your soul in order to receive this blessing. But if you like, you may add or change this prayer to something that is more personal for you. Or you may pray earnestly without words.
Because we have been created with free will, God will not force His Divine Love on anyone but He will give it to anyone who sincerely asks for it. Honest and sincere prayer is vital.
Many feel nothing at first because it takes time to break through the mental barriers most of us have acquired in our lives. Our consciousness is most often riding on the surface of our senses-oriented mind. To receive this blessing, one really must “let go and let God”… and that takes practice.
That is why it is so important to keep praying. The beginner may feel shy or awkward when praying but if you persist and are consistent in your efforts, the blessings will begin to flow. Ask from your heart and you will know this Divine Love to be real and powerful.
So I tell you to ask and you will receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive, everyone who searches will find, and the door will be opened for everyone who knocks. Which one of you fathers would give your hungry child a snake if the child asked for a fish? Which one of you would give your child a scorpion if the child asked for an egg? As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks. -- Luke 11:9-13
There is much, much more to know about God's Divine Love. And there is a community available to pray with you and answer your questions. For more, check out these links.
DLSF is dedicated to spreading the truth of the Divine Love with contemporary messages, and both in-person and online prayer circles. Read more »
An extensive collection of material relating to Divine Love. Free downloads of the Padgett messages in various formats. Read more »

LightBringers welcomes all who want to bring more love and light into our world and all who want connection with the Source of Love. Read more »